What Should I Be Doing Right Now With My Money and Investments?
2. Establish Your Goals
It’s important to analyze each of these areas:
Potential Income Sources
Estimate potential cash flow / distributions
Determine timing and sequence of income streams
Coordination of benefits
Social security evaluations and recommendations
Tax ramifications and strategy; review
Survivor beneficiary considerations
3. Make a Plan
Let us help you analyze and develop a plan that aligns with your goals.
4. Build a Portfolio
Let us help you start and manage your portfolio to ensure it is on track.
5. With proper planning, you may not run out of money.
Schedule a Complimentary Financial Assessment Today!
Over 25 years of expert financial experience
Financial Planning
Financial planning is the process of determining whether and how an individual can meet life goals through the proper management of financial resources. Financial planning integrates the financial planning process with the financial planning subject areas. These are six steps to the financial planning process:
- Establishing and defining the client-planner relationship
Gathering client data includes goals
Analyze and evaluating the client’s current financial status
Developing a presenting recommendations and/or alternatives
Implementing the recommendations
Monitoring the recommendations
401k / 403b / Pension Rollovers
When you change jobs or retire you will most likely be faced with the question of what should I do with my retirement funds? We assist with:
What are you ALLOWED to do.
What SHOULD you do and why.
WHERE you should move the money.
How to move it correctly (without penalty).
Paperwork, forms, and tracking progress.
Completion verification.
Succession Planning
Planning is for anyone that owns or will own a closely held business interest. We help clients with the following:
Create an exit or retirement strategy
Identify potential succession or buyers
Consult and evaluate owner and successors
Assist in plan formation with legal and tax advisors
Estate equalization for non active family members
Buy / sell agreement review
Key employee considerations
Non-financial evaluations
Asset Management Professional
Assistance in building or maintaining an investment portfolio, typical investments include stocks, bonds, EFT’s (exchange traded funds), options, commodities, mutual funds, real estate, investment trusts, precious metals, and alternative investments. We help people that don’t have the time to effectively manage assets or individuals that need technical assistance in building a successful portfolio.
Legacy Planning
Is the process of deciding what impact you would like to make on others, both during your lifetime, and after your death. This planning can benefit your family, charitable organizations, or other philanthropic groups that are important to you.
Estate Conservation
Estate Planning includes how to create an estate for the non-wealthy as well as how to protect, preserve, and distribute wealth for the affluent. While we do not provide specific legal advice we do help with the planning in order to cut down on the “billable hours” portion of the process.